I don't understand the problem..
Everyone here needs to loosen up and give the author a break. Asking for money on something you've worked on is nothing new, and is usually inevitable. Sometimes people make things for fun and sometimes people make them for profit. This is the truth with flash games, Gameboy games, Xbox games and the like, it's no reason to give the maker a bad rep; however, putting the "pay-for-play" feature on a free game site was uncalled for. At least put "Demo" in the title or something so you don't mislead people.
Now on to the game...
The graphics are epic, as usual. Unfourtunatly, the saturation was horribly dark and murky.
I found the use of the powers a nice, strong concept, but it was presented kinda
abruptly into the game and I didn't really warm up much to it.
The controls were confusing at first, but you gradually get used to them.
Overall I give it an 7/10; 4/5. Maybe I'll buy the full game one day.
Thanks for all your hard work on the Eximortis series, the hard work you put into it reflects greatly on how well your games are, and I hope there'll be more sometime in the future.